About UXChange

Why exchanging experiences?

My mentorship classes have shown me that too many people are struggling to enter the field of UX, not because they are not capable, not because they do not have guidance, but oftentimes because they feel overwhelmed. As I lived it myself, I know that this feeling of being overwhelmed (by the amount of information available, by the alternatives available, by the obstacles such as making a portfolio or nailing an interview) I know that that it creates a feeling of being alone and misunderstood.

…Wait. Mentors are already doing a good job at guiding junior UX folks, no?

True. I deeply believe that breaking in UX is a three-pilar journey: theory, practice, and mentorship. But not only. I feel the need to impose a new one, as important as the others: a community. Being understood and guided by a mentor is a whole different story to contributing to the growth of other soon-to-be UX professionals, in a community. We feel empowered, understood and most of all, belonging. Because we are all moving forward TOGETHER and not only guided by someone (even if this someone does an amazing job).

And since UX is an ever-changing field, we are all learning anyway.

So… What is your plan?

Any good UX Researcher needs a plan 🤠. I do not mean to be different. Here is mine:

  • My mission is to provide a place for growing UX folks to exchange their learning experiences, get and give feedback, get and give inspiration and inspire others for change.
  • My vision is to create a place where everyone can feel they belong and relate around one common point: we are all UX-learners.